Started on July 27, 2024

The Department of the Army Mobilization Processing System is a system that automates the business processes of military forces mobilization. DAMPS is a web-based system that provides the workflow business process for the alert, notification and orders for Army reserve component units and individuals ordered to Active Duty. DAMPS produces and maintains unit mobilization orders. These orders provide instructions and authority for a mobilized unit to move from home station to the mob station based on the mobilization station assignments. Once the order is issued, Reserve Component commands can issue the individual mobilization orders for the members of the unit. DAMPS is the cornerstone of the concept to address a fundamental need for the Army to transform reserve mobilization into an agile, information based core business process.    As Army level orders are generated, information is passed from DAMPS through intermediate commands to Army personnel systems, enabling the lashing of requirements to individual orders and enabling systems to track soldiers through the entire mobilization cycle. Data reconciled through the integration of DAMPS and other Army systems provides the basis for the Army’s enterprise approach to mobilization – the Mobilization Common Operating Picture – “MOBCOP”.

The result – DAMPS provides significant gains in efficiency: enables surge, reduces man hour costs by decreasing labor needed to move requests through the validation process, and reduces processing times by more than half.